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April 01, 2013 1 min read

When you think of the most revolutionary and influential automotive designs in the modern era, only one car comes to mind – The Pontiac Aztec.  Why the Aztec was so monumental, despite its short 5 year production run, was how it shattered the constructs of automotive categorization.  Pre-Aztec, you either had a car, truck, SUV or a van, nothing that had the virtues of all of these vehicles, say a ‘cross-over’ type of vehicle.  Then a legend was born, a vehicle with the handling characteristics of a car, the elevated seating and cargo capacity of a SUV, and even the option of a tent/air mattress package.

To say the Aztec was a technological Tour-de-Force is an understatement, it was one of the first vehicles to be designed entirely using computerized rapid-prototyping/rapid-visualization tools and featured Pontiac’s trademark red lighting scheme.  The Aztec was a design icon and will be remembered for shifting how we look at what a automobile can be.

Aztec Drivers We Love You, Happy April Fools!

Image Source: Car Scoops

Sundeep Yashpal
Sundeep Yashpal

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